Hull Young People’s Parliament – 1 pm to 3 pm – Thursday 4th April – See poster below for details…
Talent Show – Showcasing SSNC’s members – Booking form to be released soon – 3 pm to 7 pm – Tuesday 27th August
Some wonderful things have been occurring: Saturday 2nd December 2023 we had a Christmas Fayre, and what a beautiful bonanza day it was. Tuesday 5th December, we took to standing just outside the front door in our hats, scarves, and coats. The parade was here, the land train, and even the lord mayor.
On October 18th and the 21st, 2023, SSNC facilitated a couple of learning sessions with how to use sewing machines. At first, the young-people did not know what to make of the activity, but soon after, they were threading the needles themselves, carefully learning (with instruction) how to sew various patterned lines. In the future, we will be showing our young-people how to make various items: clothing, bedding, costumes, tote-bags, purses, capes…and more. All in all, the staff and volunteers facilitating the event had fun, and it lit the spark for our young-people who would like to work in a position related to the textiles’ industry. As an ending point to the springboard for more projects to come, we would like to take the opportunity to thank ASDA’s funding program for making this all possible. An update will be coming – with the progress made, and the stories shared of this journeying of creativity in January 2024 on the Your Community Stories Page. Thank you also to our external Hull University student volunteer, Jan Saraneeyawong. She saved the day and helped other staff rejig their memories for how to use the machines without gaining too many loose threads. Actually, you can see her down in the photos at the bottom, aligning the needles and then overseeing our young-people working out how to use the machines. Thank you again, Jan! We would not have got this off the ground without you. You helped us to take off, and now we will fly on…and other such related mumbo jumbo.
Latest seasonal event! – “Halloweening” around October 2023
With the spooky season upon us, our young people have been creating and making up window displays of various spooky characters. Pumpkins and Ghosts and Ghoulish Gore have been drawn up, then using acetate paper, they have formed the pictures with a mosaic of coloured cut squares. This was an intricate process in which our young people worked together to produce these works of art. These were displayed at the ‘Halloween Disco’ – 26th Thursday – 4pm until 6pm.
On that note, here is a compilation image taken from our Facebook page of that event. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves and danced, and ate, and shared in the spirits of the season. Thank you to everyone who came, thank you to the parents for finding some amazing costumes, and thank you always to our amazing staff and volunteers.
Blossom Festival 2019
Platinum Jubilee, 2nd June 2022
Platinum Jubilee, 2nd June 2022
East Hull Farm Trip 08/08/2023

Family Crafts Day – Summer Program – 09/08/2023

On the 15th August 2023, as part of the summer program, SSNC hosted a day trip around Hull’s local museums complete with a free packed lunch – balanced and full of nutrients. There was a high turnout for the day and many parents who came alongside their children, as well as the fabulous volunteers, took many pictures, sharing them on our Facebook page. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves and took something away with them from the day. They learned new information about how we used to get around our bustling city at the Street Life museum, as well as taking a glimpse into Hull’s rich fishing history and then some by the Arctic Corsair (Hull Museums and Galleries, 2023).
On the 16th of August 2023, after visiting the local museums, SSNC hosted a Family Crafts day. Those who came on the trip took to creating something new from what they saw the day previous – of Hull’s rich history. Our young people sat together with parents, guardians, staff and volunteers tracing and etching coins no longer in circulation: two-pennies, farthings, shillings, and half-pennies. (I know, a half-penny?! How peculiar.) They also made small models of food and baskets with pea-pods in, from plasticine – very original! It showed us at the SSNC how vital this trip was to our young people’s developing minds. And, highlighted all they understood from the museum trip the day previous. How we have survived through some difficult times in history. *World wars, slavery and the abolishment of such, not to mention Hull’s trading with our nations and its fishing trades.* Of course, our staff, parents and volunteers loved it too. It’s never too late to learn! Our young people showed us how it’s done.
On the 22nd of August 2023, our Young people were visited at the SSNC building by a worker at a local skills and resources centre whereby they teach young people skills commonly associated with Bush-Craft and Wilderness-Exploring. While the younger participants made tents with the support of older members and parents in attendance, those aged 15 and up were able to practice archery, and also helped to prepare small leather pendants in the letter press for everyone to decorate. SSNC, with the help given by our funders (see page – Our Funders and Our Supporters), provided everyone with plenty of water and juice, as well as sandwiches and fruit during the event. Whilst there was no wilderness explorer badge as the young Russell gets in the Disney classic film UP, there was the takeaway of survival skills, team-work, and character building. The SSNC and the young people who came thoroughly enjoyed the event, and we look forward to working with other organisations in this practical way in the future.

Rock UP was the SSNC’s next big event of the Summer Program.
Thursday 24th August, our young people went with our staff and volunteers to the local St. Stephen’s shopping centre to the indoor rock climbing facility.
On one wall they climbed, there was even a positive affirmation: ‘EVERY MOUNTAIN TOP IS WITHIN REACH IF YOU JUST KEEP CLIMBING’.
We at the SSNC loved that, and as you can see by the valiant efforts our young people put in, so did they.

Towards the end of our Summer program, we wanted to take our young people somewhere local, to show them just how many vibrant spaces there are not far from where they live. That, as they are the future, they can help to continue making their local area amazing – as we at the SSNC already know they do. On the 29th of August, we took a trip to East Park, which hosts a locally funded animal welfare site. They also play host many other local events – such as The Big Malarkey literature event. (The next one is due to be hosted Monday 17th June – Sunday 23rd June 2024) Some fair rides were in town too…only fair SSNC had some fun and let loose to round off an enriching summer.

Edited by: Emma Penfold – Hall, November 2023
ASDA Foundation (2023). Available online: Foundation Grants | Asda Foundation [Accessed: 07/11/2023]
Hull Museums and Galleries. (2023) Arctic Corsair and North End shipyard. Available Online: Arctic Corsair & North End shipyard – Hull Museums and Galleries [Accessed: 16/08/2023]
Hull Museums and Galleries. (2023) Streetlife Museum. Available Online: Streetlife Museum – Hull Museums and Galleries [Accessed: 16/08/2023]
Rock Up (2023) Welcome to Rock Up Hull. Available Online: https://www.rock-up.co.uk/locations/hull [Accessed: 03/10/2023]
The Big Malarkey Festival. (2023) The Big Malarkey Festival. Available Online: https://thebigmalarkeyfestival.com/ [Accessed: 03/10/2023]