Hello folks,
In December 2023 through to March 2024 we brought you The Warm Hub!!
And, we’re back again. Because it’s cold outside and inside and bills just keep on rising.
We’ve popped the heating on so you can switch yours off. Electricity and Gas bills are skyrocketing. Not pretty.
Many people are now forced into difficult decisions, choosing whether to heat the home or eat a well-balanced meal.
So, we’ve took action, becoming a warm space for people to gravitate to for help and advice during this cold climate
We have a group session focusing on bringing people together in the community, providing support not only with budget plans, and discussing cheaper ways to conserve heat and energy in the home (such as draft excluders), but signposting them to various other non-profit community places
During this weekly group session we also offer more: tailored advice (about exactly what local people could do to support themselves and each other), food and drink (snack and a cuppa), crafty things (crochet, drawing, painting, card-making), and support to use a computer – to gain access to the opportunities in your area.
Warm Hub Session Time?
Tuesday: 10:30 am – 01:30 pm
Beyond this service offering, we have more: browse away to find out more.
Or take a look at your community voice for the response to our services within the local community.
If you have any suggestions for what we might do for you, in your local community, in holding events/activities at our venue… get in touch via the contact page. We can’t wait to hear from you!
Below are the links to other organisations related to this Warm Hub project.
Warm Spaces across Hull now open to the public – Forum (northbankforum.org.uk)
Author: Emma Penfold – Hall, Wednesday 22nd November 2023
Edit: Emma Penfold – Hall, Wednesday 22nd January 2024